Industries | Charities & Third Sector | Oblongata
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Read about our focus on the third sector.

The third sector

Where our expertise lies

Charity sector image

Large or small, early stage or deeply experienced, we are able to help charities on their digital journeys.

Education sector image

We understand the struggles of clear communication with stakeholders, that's why we can help on your digital project.

Social enterprise sector image
Social Enterprise

Big or small, we're here to help your social enterprises thrive with a digital product that shouts.

Membership sector image

We've worked with membership organisations to deliver seamless web and CRM integrations.

Our focus on the third sector

Our mission is to work with organisations in the Third Sector and help them on their digital journeys. Whether you are an association or a charity we will blend our experience to your requirements.

We are transformation specialists. Having worked across a breadth of areas within the Third Sector, we have helped organisations transition their service offerings, building and equipping them with the digital tools necessary to enable them to thrive.

Celebrating what makes us all different

We recognise one size doesn't fit all. All our years of experience allows us to understand and develop solutions that work for your organisation. Yes, that's right, work for your organisation - we don't copy and paste here at Oblongata.