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Donation Tools

Don't miss out on crucial donations because of poor UI.

Are you missing
out on donations?

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Is your website bringing in numbers but not donations? We understand the challenges that many charities face and how clunky and outdated some systems can be. We've developed our own in-house software that allows for faster and frictionless donations.

Don't just a put a plaster over it

It's easy to try and patch things up but if they're not working, we're just making the problem worse. We can provide free and impartial advice to charities seeking a better understanding of what their users do. Book yourself in for a free demo using the form on this page.

What our tool
can do for you

In this modern day people are in a constant rush and time is valuable. Don't let a poor UI for donations hold your charity back. Discover how our donation tool product could help to convert your website visitors into donors.

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Our tool complies with the latest WCAG standards and undergoes constant monitoring and testing to ensure that's it compliant and accessible for all users.

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Fast & Efficient

Time is precious and every second counts when you're on the web. Our tool makes donations frictionless and fast for the user, ensuring no time is wasted.

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We can seamlessly integrate our tool into existing workflows and CRM systems using modern web standards without the need for expensive development.

Get in Touch


Check out some of our frequently asked
questions around donation.

How easy is the tool to use?

For users wishing to pay with Apple Pay or Google Pay, we can make the journey a one-click process, if the denominated amount selected is correct at the start.

What payment providers do you integrate with?

Our donation tool integrates with a host of payment providers such as: Stripe, Apple Pay and Google Pay for users that want to go a one-click donation journey. For users that wish to set-up a direct debit, we integrate with GoCardless.

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Ready to solve the missing piece?

Make sure you're getting the most.

Get in Touch